Archive for January, 2008

Self Abuse

Posted in Suffering on January 31, 2008 by Mas Younon

I’ve noticed that for the last month or so I have been torturing myself by watching movies that I didn’t like.  It’s not like I search them out but if it’s on, I’ll watch it.  And I’ll sit there the whole time asking both how this got made and why for the love of everything good in the world am I watching this?  I could be doing something, anything else so why am I burning bad film into my brain?  Am I so starved for entertainment that I’ll watch anything?  I could be reading, learning something new, creating something…

Sorry, “Music and Lyrics” came on.  Where was I?

Nothing to watch…

Posted in Uncategorized on January 29, 2008 by Mas Younon

Writers strike got you down?  Feeling depressed because the last two finished episodes of “Chuck” were tainted with the splooge that is “Celebrity Apprentice” was crammed in between?  Me too.  But fear not, since I’ve watched an absurd amount of television in my life.  I feel properly equipped to recommend the following for your viewing consumption*:

  • Doctor Who: Seriously, even if you were never a geek into the old school series, BBC has brought it back brilliantly.  Seasons 1-3 are available on DVD for a serious punch to the wallet, but in the age of Netflicks…Billie Piper as Rose(yes) and Freema Agyeman as Martha(yes please) are great foils for The Doctor(Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant)
  • Eureka: Season one available on DVD and I’m sure a Tivo ready marathon will pop up on the Sci-Fi channel sometime.  Great concept/stories/execution.  “That can’t be good.”  Oh, but it is.
  • Rome: Missed it on the HBO?  Kevin Mckidd deserved better that “Journeyman”‘s fate.  Find it and enjoy.  Trust me.
  • Robot Chicken: If you don’t know, get it.  Your inner child/current deviant will thank me later.
  • Father Ted: Catholic Priests on an island.  Going wild is understated.
  • Coupling: The BBC original version(run far and fast from the NBC destructicon remake), and to be honest, I only recommend seasons one through three.  The main reason for this is that one of the best characters in television(Jeff Murdock, played by Richard Coyle), is absent from the fourth and last season, and even I’ll admit that the series starts to lose steam near the end of the third season, which may be why Richard decided not to return.  Nonetheless, the first two seasons are genius and the third is fun enough if for no other reason than his work and story arc.

Your entertainment seeking soul will be grateful…your credit card, not so much.

* Yeah, I’m pimping a great deal of Sci-Fi Channel and the BBC, but you know what?  Good is good.

Wanna Watch a Movie?

Posted in Uncategorized on January 25, 2008 by Mas Younon

Do to some impatience and the fact that I don’t have a date tonight the weather, I’ve upped movie night.  The selection:

“The Commitments”

Honestly, I’ve not seen this since it was in the theater and perhaps once on HBO(snippets when it was on TV but never start to finish) which is odd because I recall that I really liked it.  So last week, when I was tricked by a buy 2 get the 3rd free sale, I saw it sitting there in the rack minding its own business and I just had to have it(I know I could have rented it but that is just not how my mind functions).

What I do remember is that I greatly enjoyed the story of the formation and (I believe) implosion of this Irish soul band, I think I had a crush on one of the girls in the band, and that the soundtrack was fantastic.  And now that the popcorn is ready, I can see if I still like this tale.

117ish minutes later…

So, did it hold up?  Yes…and no.

The music (though I’m not quite qualified to talk at length on the topic) is still funtastic, and I even caught a few references I didn’t catch before.  The film also plays now like a period piece.  Released in 1991, and based on a book, it has a mid to late 80’s feel to it.  Metal and New Wave(I hope that’s the correct genre) draw some snide comments and it is certainly before Grunge and the Boy Band explosions.

I recalled the band being friendlier in the beginning, but no, they were fighting each other from the start and the “success” made it worse.  It’s still fun to watch the collapse though, like a VH1 Behind the music of a group that almost was and, “then things went terribly wrong…”

Oddly, I found myself more focused on the portrayal of the poverty and desperation portrayed in the film.  This is something I’d either forgotten or not been aware of in the past, but it added…something to the story that I can’t help but think makes it a sadder film to me(this is neither good or bad, simply different).

And the girls?  Hmmm…women of Irish decent, mixed with a bit of the crazy.  You’ve got my attention.  Throw in the Irish dialect and yep… found them all desirable in their own way.

Speaking of the dialect:  There’s just a way that the Irish pronounce the word, “fuck” that just makes me smile.  If I were to attempt a phonetic spelling I think I’d need access to the “o” with the two dots over it.  Actually all cursing in Irish is for some reason, an auditory delight to me.

“So, do you recommend it?”

Yes, but with this disclaimer:  It’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.  Music junkies should(and probably do) own it, and the film-goer looking for something other than the regular genre flicks should definitely give a look or two.  If however, you only go to what you’re told to see that weekend, or your DVD collection could pass as a calendar for each weeks “must own” release, you’re probably not going to like this(but I still think it might build character for you to watch it).

It should also be noted that I am in no way, shape or form a film critic.  These are simply the thoughts that spew from my opinionated mind.  Go to Ebert for professional ramblings.


Posted in Uncategorized on January 23, 2008 by Mas Younon

This weekend, I am going to watch a film that I’ve not seen in its entirety, for fifteen years.  I’m curious to see if it holds me like it did/improves/is total crap.  A full review may be forthcoming(if it warrants it), but sometimes it can be interesting to look back at things(movies/music/whatever) that you liked(or thought you did) at the time to see if it holds up to what you are now.

Last Day…Renew!!!*

Posted in Sunday Sermon on January 20, 2008 by Mas Younon

The following is from my as yet to be started/finished/published book, “Quotation Marks: Motivational/Inspirational Sayings That Fail To Do Either.”

“Live each day as if it were your last.”

So wrong, on so many levels.  This “philosophical” gem has been has been as popular as the “I live life to the FULLEST!!!” statement on practically every personal ad description(a subject for another time) ever.  The difficulty arises not from the well meaning intent of the statement, but from the totally wrong point of view that it encourages.  There are obviously, the comical interpretations of mad spending, the telling off of everyone that has been holding you back/destroying your soul/whatever, and bungee jumping for the first time…and yet there is another(more sinister) pull to this commonly used quote:

It’s morbid, depressing, and misses the point that it desires to get across.  Encouraging the cramming of everything into the now without any enjoyment or awareness.  How sinful this approach to life is!  I use the word, “sinful” not in a religious sense, but to make everyone aware that it is a crime against life.  The arrogance, the greed of saturating all that one can without awareness is, a sin.

If you truly knew that this was your LAST day, that when you closed your eyes at the end you would never awaken, would you honestly waste your waning hours on folly?  This is the encouragement from the statement.

“But wait,” you say, “I take it to mean that I should embrace and enjoy all that I have right now, for it may be gone tomorrow.”

Yes, that is a better interpretation, and yet it is still depressing.  Why worry about the ending of things?  All things do and will so why focus on that?  It ruins the enjoyment, the experience of the moment.  It haunts you and lingers in the back of your mind and keeps you from being present.  From being there.

Even the terminology is depressing, “…as if it were your last.”  It enslaves you to a finite timeline.  Commanding you to cram sensory experience at the expense of true experience.  When every moment exists for you to move on to the next, why limit yourself to a possible demise?

“Well what do you suggest, ‘Live every day as if it was your first?'”

Close, but not quite…

There is no anti-(whatever), to this statement but there is an alternative, and that is for you to discover.  It’s not any kind of quote or statement, that’s true.  Maybe, just perhaps, it’s a moment:

When you take a second to close your eyes and feel the sun on your face…or pause to feel the breeze flow over you.  It could be the instant you understand that you’re connected to everything, even if it seems like there’s more than six degrees of separation between you and Kevin Bacon.

Truly, it doesn’t matter if it’s your first or last day, or if you live like it is.  What is important is that you have the opportunity to live this day, and how you choose to do that is up to you.

*Bonus points to anyone who gets and comments on the pop-C significance of the title of this post.

Cross Your Legs

Posted in Umm...yeah...okay... on January 17, 2008 by Mas Younon

So there’s this movie that will be released(tomorrow in L.A. and N.Y., later in the nation), and the concept is… well go to the official site here and draw your own horrific conclusions.

I am a sucker for this type of flick.

Traffic Control

Posted in Umm...yeah...okay... on January 16, 2008 by Mas Younon

If you bounced here via Mr. Lady, you’re looking for this.

…I feel sick.

Posted in Anger on January 16, 2008 by Mas Younon

I was going to post about this yesterday, but I felt so bad that I needed a day to gather my thoughts.

At the placeholder job, I’ve been given some tasks.  Most recently, I’ve been double checking the work of the temps.  This is not a big deal, but one of them had a bunch of mistakes.  Not a big deal for me, but my actions effected another life that day.

I happened to notice that the person in question(keep in mind this is someone from the night shift, whom I’ve never met) had…interesting handwriting.  I thought that by bringing it up to my manager, and suggesting that perhaps this individual might process information in different ways and different instruction techniques should be used for him, would open up new avenues of communication between said temp and management.

They terminated his contract(FIRED) him.

It was later in the day when they revealed to me that there was a language barrier and that they had spent (all of)TWO shifts trying to get him up to snuff.

I could really go off on a rant about business here, but my problem is this:

Because of me, someone struggling lost precious money, and because of that…

It Feels Like The First Time…

Posted in Umm...yeah...okay... on January 16, 2008 by Mas Younon

Sometimes there are events that define you, and there are dates to remember.  Today is one such day, and the moment(dare I say it) not only changed me, but the world(yeah, I said it).

But sometimes remembering the day is not enough, and you long to relive the moment in all its glorious(if not slightly uncomfortable) detail.

 Thankfully, there’s always the video.

You never forget the first time.

Starting That Diet Today?

Posted in Suffering, Umm...yeah...okay... on January 13, 2008 by Mas Younon

Mr. Lady and The Joshman had some exciting recipes Saturday.  They both sounded pretty good.

I don’t cook so much(most of my recipes are for more than one and it’s a hassle…), not that I can’t, I just don’t as much as I probably should.  And I do have an Ace of a dessert arsenal(cookies, pastries and one heck of a cheesecake), but that’s not where this is going…

The Mental Floss website had this interest look back at some of the more…um…interesting culinary choices from the cold war era.  Get your stomach ready for these taste sensations.

I’m Not Above Stealing Ideas

Posted in Uncategorized on January 10, 2008 by Mas Younon

My friend, who so royaly blog-slapped me this week, had a post that got me to thinking.  It has to do with cover songs and you can find it here.

Now let me be crystal clear about something before I begin:

When it comes to music, Mr. Lady is an authority.  Not at all to be questioned.  Every time(it does you no good, believe me, you will lose every time).  If you want to know if something is good, ask her.  I can carry a tune fair enough, but compared to her…well lets just say that she’d be riding in a stretch limo drinking champagne whilst I would most likely be in the short bus wearing a helmet and spilling my juice box.  That said, it should be noted that I have made a few finds in my day(even a blind squirrel will find a nut or two, and yes I will take credit for introducing her to Hem) so I was inspired to steal the idea to post some of my favorite covers of songs(what did she do? 13+?  Well, I don’t think I’ll do that many).

Here we go in no specific order(sorry that I’m too lazy to link these, but that’s what Google is for):

  • Bein’ Green:  If you don’t think that Jim Henson has effected the world more than Bill Gates, well just stop reading right now.  Anyway…this song is so simple and good and right and Kermit is all you need for it to work.  However, burned into my skull is the episode of Sesame Street when Ray Charles performed it.  Even as a child I knew that it was goodness.  If it’s out there, I need to find it.
  • Breaking Up Is Hard to Do:  Neil(ba doobah doobie down doobie do down down) Sedaka’s song reworked(well) for Renee Olstead and Peter Cincotti on her debut CD.  I know jazz standard remakes are not usually good, but take a listen and tell me that you don’t think of a bullet time fight between Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
  • Jolene: Dolly’s song(and she does back-up) on Mindy Smith’s “One Moment More.”
  • Dream On:  Areosmith’s classic hauntingly reworked by Kelly Sweet.  I heared this at Crack and Noble’s and bought the CD right then.  I’m a sucker for a great voice and the price of admission was so worth it.  And track 7(even if you have no idea what the translation is), is…oh dear me.
  • May it Be:  Is it too early to to geek it up? Enya’s original for LOTR:TFOTR was amazing, but if there’s a voice I love, I’ll pimp it and Hayley Westenra has the pipes I adore.  It’s on “Odyssey,” which also has an interesting cover of “Both Sides Now,” not the best, but worth a listen(track 3 has a duet with Andrea Bocelli, also worth it).
  • Common People:  The Shat brings it BACK!  Admitting ignorance I do NOT know who originally recorded this, but William(yes) Shatner and Ben Folds made me listen when they released “Has Been.”
  • Never Been to Spain:  Forget what you’ve read/think you know, because Mr. Lady does have a love for Elvis.  At least as far as this cover of the Three Dog Night song is concerned.  You can (hopefully)find it on the Madison Square Garden Concert CD(drugged up sequined jumpsuit and all).
  • Who Wants to Live Forever/Save Me:  Orchestral Queen?  Stay with me.  Tolga Kashif’s “The Queen Symphony” is effing AMAZING.  The third movement(Adagio) though, is wrenching to the soul.  This is the soundtrack track to say goodbye to.
  • Leaving, on a Jet Plane:  Honestly, I’ve never been a fan of PP&M.  But to hear what is(one of) their most popular songs performed by the man who wrote it(yes kids, it’s John Denver) is too good to pass up(and personally, I like the simplicity of this version).
  • Mona Lisa:  (Another confession: I do NOT know who did this first)  Nat King Cole’s version is the one.  Tell me I’m wrong.
  • Jackson:  For all you Cash(and Hem) fans, this version from “Eveningland,” is fantastic(aside from the fact that every album from Hem is great).
  • My Funny Valentine:  NOOooooo!  Not a song Babs Streisand made famous!  Breathe…stay with me…Over the Rhine’s version is what you crave.  Find and enjoy.

Final count?  12. Like I said(on so many levels…)the short bus.

Flame on…

I Sooo Want This

Posted in Hope on January 9, 2008 by Mas Younon

I’m primarily a bicycle commuter(for those of you that don’t know), and there are times that even I will admit that there are limits to what errands can be done with ease on the bike(but the looks at the liquor store are definately worth it).  Now Kona is offering this in 2008 and it’s getting good reviews.

Anyone want to get me one?  I’ll be your best friend.

It was a day like any other…

Posted in Uncategorized on January 8, 2008 by Mas Younon

The sun was…hidden by clouds that threatened rain, work was…well…work, but I truly thought that I would make it through the day with my dignity in tact.

I was wrong.

Someone apparently decided to acknowledge that this day should have significance to me and proceeded to post THIS. 

So there I was, ready to let the day go quietly into that good(vodka filled night) when I get blatantly called out by what appears to be a writer’s strike version of a Dean Martin Roast(I am SO old).

Well, allow me to retort…

First to the commentators of the post(at least at the time of this writing):

  1. The Hair(terra and Diane): I thought Wall Street was a great film but come on, at least give me a Bud Fox reference over Gordon Geckko.  Besides, think about all the people who’ll be called out for the faux hawk in a few years.
  2. Politics(Diane): Funny that you should mention that…I was voted most likely to become a politician in my senior year.  I do have the qualifications(as I have and M.S. in B.S.) and could make the candidates cry for mommy, but I loathe the system so, I will not be running for anything in the near future.
  3. Anything else(Huckdoll/anyone who ripps the suspenders): So what if Alex P. Keaton influenced my senior picture fashion statement?  Do you have any idea how cool I am now?  Not very, but still, I take pride in the fact that the fashion statements that got me shoved into lockers as a teen are now the “geek Chic” of today(actually, I’m kinda pissed off about that but…).  BTW, I’m bringing back sports jackets with elbow patches…deal with it.

Oh yeah, and to Mr. Lady,

  • Elvis, Stephen Hawking, and “Labyrinth”‘s David Bowie…January 8.
  • No wonder that my pet name for you was sponsored by the letter “B.”
  • BTW, thanks for posting pics of me when I looked good on the inter-web.  That’s great for the self esteem, on my birthday, when I’m biting on the business end of the .45…
  • Just perhaps, one of the reasons I don’t regularly post on your blog is because you’re generally beyond my(writing ability) experience, as I have no children nor a significant other…(but I do have stories about you and will answer any questions I can if your readers ask).
  • And I know when your(birthday) is…tee…hee.
  • as much as I hate what you did, I still heart/hate you.  Be well.

A Blank Slate

Posted in Hope on January 7, 2008 by Mas Younon

It’s good for starting anew.  Bad for when you’re attempting to come up with the next…whatever.  I’ve been looking at one for way too long, and have done nothing that even attempts to fill it in.  That is definately something that needs to change.  I just hope that I am up to the challenge…are you?

Nobody’s Perfect…

Posted in Hope on January 6, 2008 by Mas Younon

…but at least I’ve retained something from school.

JustSayHi - Science Quiz

Dungeon Dwellers

Posted in Uncategorized on January 3, 2008 by Mas Younon

Since my mind has failed me today and instead searched the web for frivolity, I thought I’d share this link with you that brought a cringe worthy smile to my face.

Thanks to G4’s The Feed for this find, but I must say I know at least one more captivating DM compared to this guy.

Enjoy…or not, it made me chuckle.


Posted in Umm...yeah...okay... on January 2, 2008 by Mas Younon

The end is near.

I was half listening to the radio today, nothing important just a little something for the background while working, when a most interesting commercial for an Internet “dating” service took me by surprise.  The *ahem* service is for people who are happy in their committed relationship but still need, “a little something more.”

I’m still trying to figure out why this of all things is stuck in my mind.  It’s not a morality issue.  Well not in the sense most people define morality.  The promiscuity aspect doesn’t faze me.  People like their sex.  Cold, hard, fact.  It’s just that if you’re truly happy in your relationship I don’t believe you need something else.  If you do, and you haven’t had an open and honest conversation with your partner, you shouldn’t claim to be happy with your relationship.  There are obviously some issues to be addressed.

Perhaps it’s the fact that they’re attempting to use sugar coated honesty to promote the site.  It is fairly easy to know what the site is for, and it’s not like the could just come out and say so in so many words(we’ve not come that far yet).  I’m also sure that it will not incerase cheating in relationships.  If that’s going to happen there’s not much you can to to stop it, so at best it is only a new meeting place for like minded individuals.

I’m guessing that the reason I keep thinking about it is because it’s caused me to look once again at the idea of a “commitment.”  My own opinion has morphed over the years from not only my own experiences, but also from philosophical studies, discussions with friends, and from having a good old fashioned think from time to time and it has reaffirmed my theory that committed relationships are not for the majority of the populace, and there seems to be a greed factor for those that want their piece and and then some.  Those who want the benefits of a stable partnership and the constant excitement of the single life as well.

Maybe I’m wrong.  Perhaps this might even be a needed step in the evolution of relationships, to get to the point when marriage and commitment are no longer needed.  Who knows?  Maybe I just need a hobby…or a date.

…the new.

Posted in Hope on January 1, 2008 by Mas Younon

Starting over…It’s a common theme around this time.

So, if you could, would you?  If you could press the reset button/go back to a save point/whatever, where or when would you go back to and what would you do differently?

Personally, major life events aside, I’d like another go at 2007.  It was less than stellar for me but, I could’ve made some smarter, less ego driven choices.

Hopefully I’ll find better results with…